Friday, August 17, 2007

Ava and Valerie Return From El Salvador

Ava and Valerie with their friends Adam and Julian enjoying a welcome home meal at Gardunios in Las Vegas after picking the girls up at the airport.

After 3 long months (according to dad) in El Salvador working in an orphanage for disadvantaged children, Ava and Valerie return home having had an incredible experience working with, teaching and helping these wonderful children. We hope that you have enjoyed their blog that they have recorded this summer. They will be posting their final blog shortly. You can view it at: There is also a link to their site in the right column. They feel that their lives were richly blessed working there for three months. Many great friendships and a remarkable program was started. Rachel Nielson, one of the Foundation's leaders said, "You...have built a foundation of respect and professionalism with the administration and the foundation, which is absolutely vital to the program." Well done Ava and Valerie, your work has been wonderful and you will be greatly blessed and enriched from the experience!
Valerie poses with the many gifts from El Salvador they came home bearing!!

1 comment:

Vigoren Family said...

That's all exciting and fun news! I read Ava and Val's blog and was very impressed and exhausted just reading everything they accomplished! Lake Powell must have been a perfect "unwinder" vacation!