Zia Roberts came into the world Sunday September 23, 2007 at approx. 3:37pm. Zia weighed in at 8lbs 2oz and is 22.5 inches long! Pretty good sized kid! Here is Zia being held by her Grandma. Because of the Warren Jeffs trial, Maureen was held up from going to Albuquerque until the 22nd...Zia was kind and waited until the 23rd. Maureen has expressed her joy for being able to witness the birth of both of our grandchildren. Zia is a beautiful, content, sleepy, hungry and growing little beauty! Ava and I will be going to to ABQ next weekend to enjoy the baby, conference and bring Maureen home. Emily is doing fine, in fact, she really did well...a regular baby delivering trooper! It is a great blessing to have Zia here. For more pictures and stuff, check out Emily's blog linked to the right.

Harpoon that Whale!
That would be referring to me of course.....Our latest kick for exersize is swimming. We bought a pass down at the Sand Hollow Pool and are swimming laps....I have found that I can still swim, just not very far...but we are having fun!

Meet the Ravitch family.
The weekend of Sept 15th, Adam's mom and dad came for a visit. Harold and Silvia Ravitch came up to do wedding stuff, and see what kind of a family Adam is marrying into. They are from the San Fernando Valley near LA. While Maureen, the bride and groom and Silvia checked out all the wedding stuff, Harold and I went sightseeing and on a hike in Pine Valley...I guess you know who got the better end of that deal! We welcome them to the family!

After Ava and Val came home from El Salvador, they invited some friends and neighbors over to our home and reported on their summer at the orphanage. We had authentic food and a great slide show and presentation of the work they performed. I was really impressed with the great work they performed for those kids. If you would like to know more about their summer adventure, check out the link to their blog over to the right!